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Process Text



Converts ASCII Latin symbols in a string to lowercase.



Converts ASCII Latin symbols in a string to uppercase.


format(template,args) Formatting constant pattern with the string listed in the arguments.

For example, format('{} {}', 'Hello', 'World')gets Hello World


concat(str1,str2 [,str3]) Combine 2 or more strings as a single string. For example, concat('95','%') to get 95%. You can also use || as the shortcut syntax, e.g. '95' || '%' Each parameter in this function needs to be a string. You can use to_string function to convert them, for example to_string(95) || '%'


substr(str,index [,length]) Returns the substring of str from index (starting from 1). length is optional.



Removes all specified characters from the start or end of a string. By default removes all consecutive occurrences of common whitespace (ASCII character 32) from both ends of a string.



Splits a string into substrings separated by a string. It uses a constant string sep of multiple characters as the separator. If the string sep is empty, it will split the string string into an array of single characters.

For example split_by_string('b','abcbxby')will get an array with string ['a','c','x','y']


match(string,pattern) determines whether the string matches the given regular expression. For example, to check whether the text contains a sensitive AWS ARN, you can run match(text,'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:\d{12}:key/.{36}')


multi_search_any(text, array) determines whether the text contains any of the strings from the given array. For example, to check whether the text contains any sensitive keywords, you can run multi_search_any(text,['password','token','secret'])



Replace pattern with the 3rd argument replacement in string.

For example replace_one('abca','a','z') will get zbca



Replace pattern with the 3rd argument replacement in string.

For example replace('aabc','a','z') will get zzbc



Replaces all occurrences of the pattern.

This can be used to mask data, e.g. to hide the full phone number, you can run replace_regex('604-123-4567','(\\d{3})-(\\d{3})-(\\d{4})','\\1-***-****') to get 604-***-****


Process plain text with regular expression and extract the content. For example, extract('key1=value1, key2=value2','key1=(\\w+)'), this will get “value1”. If the log lines are put into a single text column, you can create a view with the extracted fields, e.g.

create view logs as 
select extract(value, 'key1=(\\w+)') as key1,
extract(value, 'key2=(\\w+)') as key2
from log_stream


extract_all_groups(haystack, pattern)

Matches all groups of the haystack string using the pattern regular expression. Returns an array of arrays, where the first array includes keys and the second array includes all values.

extract_all_groups('v1=111, v2=222, v3=333', '("[^"]+"|\\w+)=("[^"]+"|\\w+)') as groups
-- return [ [ "v1", "v2", "v3" ], [ "111", "222", "333" ] ]


extract_all_groups_horizontal(haystack, pattern)

Matches all groups of the haystack string using the pattern regular expression. Returns an array of arrays, where the first array includes all fragments matching the first group, the second array matching the second group, etc.

extract_all_groups_horizontal('v1=111, v2=222, v3=333', '("[^"]+"|\\w+)=("[^"]+"|\\w+)') as groups
-- [ [ "v1", "111" ], [ "v2", "222" ], [ "v3", "333" ] ]



Extract value from plan text without using regular expression. e.g. SELECT grok('My name is Jack. I am 23 years old.','My name is %{DATA:name}. I am %{INT:age} years old.') as m will get {"name":"Jack","age":"23"} as the m.

Please note all keys and values in the returned map are in string type. You can convert them to other type, e.g. (m['age'])::int


coalesce(value1, value2,..) Checks from left to right whether NULL arguments were passed and returns the first non-NULL argument. If you get error messages related to Nullable type, e.g. "Nested type array(string) cannot be inside Nullable type", you can use this function to turn the data into non-NULL For example json_extract_array(coalesce(raw:payload, ''))


hex(argument)Returns a string containing the argument’s hexadecimal representation. argument can be any type.


uuid() or uuid(x) Generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) which is a 16-byte number used to identify records. In order to generate multiple UUID in one row, pass a parameter in each function call, such as SELECT uuid(1) as a, uuid(2) as b Otherwise if there is no parameter while calling multiple uuid functions in one SQL statement, the same UUID value will be returned.